SONIC AND BABY GREED Zone Of Time 3 Of Projects Wikia
Lost Agnt


A lost Commando Stranded And Captured by the black red Army.

He's trying to escape the army and try to retrieve to a new planet.

Agent Baby adultTeddy Commando In the real World Picture Redered

called sonic's planet.

will he make it to sonic's world or be captured by the black red army again.

He also got help of a nightmare creature.

Who could it be

And sometimes the character will be worked on and improved.

where he is.

in the prison of the black red army bass.

is id number 738.

He's not too far away from sonic's planet.

a lost soldier.

The black red army has big plans to execute him.

This is what he's going to be wearing but not is hat.

But his diapers only in this prison.

He has no armor he's defenseless in this prison.

by the  Black red Army Soldiers.
